
Abstracts published

in Acta Crystallographica

Abstract Submission Instructions

Abstracts can be submitted via registration system only. Please, read the Process paragraph before submitting abstract.

Language of Submission: All abstracts must be submitted in English with accurate grammar and spelling suitable for publication.

Abstracts Submission Limit: One abstract submission per submitter with exception of special sessions. Note that you are allowed to present another abstract if this second abstract is submitted to special sessions

IUCr Scientific Freedom Policy Statement:

The Organizing Committee of the 25th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr 2021) shall observe the basic policy of non-discrimination and affirms the right and freedom of scientists to associate in international scientific activity without regard to such factors as ethnic origin, religion, citizenship, language, political stance, gender, sex or age, in accordance with the Statutes of the International Council for Science. At this Congress and General Assembly no barriers will exist which would prevent the participation of bona fide scientists.

It is not necessary to register at the congress before sending an abstract but, please, create your profile at

  1. Go to Your Submissions and Submit Contribution in your profile.
  2. Later you will be allowed to mark up to three different topics. It is recommended to look first at the topics of focus areas (classified) or all sessions ordered by proposed commissions. If all topics you consider are within one focus area then select Focus area/Submission type/track accordingly. If you need to combine topics from different areas you must select All topics (then you will see quite a long list, though). Plenary and keynote speakers should select such type of contribution. A special code is required to submit plenary/keynote contribution.
  3. Select format of your contribution - oral/poster if you want to be considered for talk, poster if you don't want to be considered for a lecture or invited lecture to session, if you have been invited to speak in a session.
  4. Author Information, e-mail is required for presenting author, institutions should include addresses. You can insert up to 10 co-authors in the individual fields. This will provide you with a total of 10 authors of which 9 are co-authors and 1 is Presenting Speaker.
  5. Contribution details (title, text) in build-in editor allowing to write or insert RTF text. Do not capitalize words of title, only the first letter and possibly some names. You can also insert there a text prepared in text processor like in MS-Office, Open Office, Libre Office etc.
    No figures and formulas can be included. The abstract field is not used for final form but it is required can be very useful for co-chairs/referees. Please, write/insert in this field only body of the text without authors and institutions.
  6. Select up to three conference topics/sessions
  7. Provide up to five keywords. A keyword is an index entry that identifies your abstract content relevant to the subject matter.
  8. Cross the tick, if you want to include figures in your abstract. This is an indication for co-chairs/referees that they should look also at your uploaded file. You can add some comments for co-chairs and other comments.
  9. Proceed to next page
  10. Here, you can upload your source file (doc, docx, odt) and possibly PDF used for editors to check final view. The source file must be prepared separately according to the abstract template!!! Please download the template with all the instructions (or then also empty one, template for Libre Office) It will be used for final form of abstract and it is required before the preparation of the final programme. However, if you like to include formulas and/or figures, please, submit it already during the first stage. Total length limit is one page formatted according to the template instructions
    Tip. If you want to avoid double writing of authors and institutions, submit only on-line abstract (see 5) and then in Your submissions view the abstract. It is there with correct heading (title, authors and affiliations). Copy everything into the template, just reformat it quickly with corresponding styles according to instructions, and possibly add figures and/or formulas. Such file then should be uploaded.

Note: Abstracts that are in draft status after the deadline will not be considered for selection.
Many fields are “required” indicated by an asterisk*
You will have access to the online submission system, to review and adjust your abstract up to the deadlines identified above accordingly.

Acronyms: If the research to be presented is known through an acronym, please indicate the name of the research (e.g. "XAFS") in the appropriate field, as well as the full name of the acronym (e.g. "X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure").

Changes and corrections
: Once submitted, it is possible to change your abstract. In order to correct your abstract you must login into your account and make sure to make your modifications before the abstract submission deadline. In the case of errors in your abstract discovered after the deadline, you may indicate the correction during the presentation at the congress. However, changes will not be included in the publications.

Withdrawal: You can withdraw your abstract before the deadline. If you want to withdraw an abstract already submitted after the submission deadline, please notify us as quickly as possible at the programme@iucr2020.org stating the title and number of the abstract to be withdrawn. Note that, withdrawal is still possible after the submission deadline.

Presentation Review and Selection Process
The community of crystallographers from around the world is encouraged to submit presentations that address the proposed topics. Because the number of presentations accepted for the 25th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography is limited, and the number of submissions is expected to be high, the presentations chosen are held to the highest standards. Program Committee, comprised of Crystallography experts, including subject matter experts who review and score each submission, guides the selection process.
The online review process will take place before the end of April, 2021. All abstracts will be reviewed by experts in the fields of the chosen topic. The final selection will be made by the IUCr 2021 Congress Program Committee in April 2021.
The abstract will be reviewed by topic-dedicated reviewers. Once the reviews are completed, abstract acceptances for oral or poster presentations will follow. We only accept one oral abstract per presenter excpet special sessions. The process for reviewing will take a minimum of four weeks after the submission period ends.

Notification of Selection
Communication will be sent to the Abstract Submitter in April 2021 with a report on the status of the abstract (accepted or declined). Abstracts not selected for oral presentation will be considered for poster presentation. (Presentation times are subject to change). The presenters of lecture will be required to register to the Congress by June 4, 2021 to confirm their acceptance and be included in the Conference Program and Book of Abstracts. Abstracts of posters will be accepted till June 30 to be included in the programme book.
Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present if accepted. Failure to present and register for the Congress, if not justified, may jeopardize future acceptance of abstracts.