Time-Resolved Studies

Chair: M. Wulff (France), Co-chair: Dominique Bourgeoisl (France)

A.J. Scheidig, C. Burmester, R.S. Goody High-Resolution Structure of the Pre-Hydrolysis State of P21Ras Complexed with GTP: New Insights into the Role of Water Molecules in the Intrinsic and GAP Activated GTP Hydrolysis Reaction of Ras Like Proteins A
A. Nurizzo, F. Cutruzzola, M. Arese, D. Bourgeois, M. Brunori, C. Cambillau, M. Tegoni Conformational Changes Occuring upon Reduction in Nitrite Reductase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa A
K.D. Liss, B. Waibel, R. Hock, A. Magerl, S. Kohler, A. Remhof Highly Time Resolved Study on the Influence of Ultrasonic Excitation in a Bragg Diffracting Crystal A
A. Kvick Time Resolved Diffraction Studies in Materials Science Using Synchrotron Radiation A
R. Neutze Sub-Picosecond Resolution at Synchrotron Sources: How and Why A
