Techniques, instruments

Chairs: H. Goebel

10.30 Robert Schwarzer
TU Klausthal, Germany
Automated Crystal Orientation Measurement by Backscatter Kikuchi Diffraction
11.00 Tilo Baumbach
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Germany

High resolution microtomography and fast radiography for real-time and in-situ characterization of porous microstructures

11.30 Andreas Bauer
Incoatec GmbH, Geesthacht, Germany

Recent Developments of  Multilayer Optics for X-ray Diffractometry

11.50 Martijn Fransen
PANalytical, Almelo, The Netherlands

The Focussing Mirror: New Possibilities for Transmission Experiments in the Powder Diffractometer

12.10 Niek vand der Pers
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Good practice and simple tricks for X-Ray powder diffraction measurements: procedures for preparation and mounting of the specimen and for alignment and calibration of the diffractometer


Sunday, September 5