Stress, strain, texture

Chairs:  Paolo Scardi, Stanislaw Skrzypek

10.30 Davor Balzar
University of Denver, USA
Applications of Residual Stress Determination by the Spherical Harmonics Model
10.50 Yuriy Perlovich
Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Russia

Nonuniform Substructure of Textured Metal Materials: Experimental Study and New-Discovered Regularities

11.10 Stanislaw Skrzypek
University of Mining and Metallurgy,
Kraków, Poland

Non-destructive phase analysis and residual stresses measurement due to grazing angle X-ray diffraction geometry

11.30 Rene Guinebretiere
Science des Procédés Céramiques et de Traitements de Surface, Limoges, France
X-ray scattering from interface dislocations in highly mismatched oxide epitaxial films
11.50 Petr Sedlák
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical Univeristy in Prague, Czech Republic
Experimental Analysis of  Shot Peening Induced Residual Stresses in Steel Samples


Yuri V. Taran
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia

Study of martensitic transformation in fatigued stainless steel by neutron diffraction stress analysis


Friday, September 3