Molecular Replacement and Refinement of the Models

Oral Contributions

  1. Least-Squares Refinement of Small-Moiety and Macromolecular Structures
    G.M. Sheldrick

  2. Refinement of the Xylanase from Penicillium simplicissium at 1.75 resolution: assessment of the efficiency of the ARP procedure
    A. Schmidt, V. Lamzin, P. Anastassis, C. Kratky

  3. Fast Individual Atomic Anisotropic Refinement of Macromolecules using FFT
    G.N. Murshudov, A. Lebedev, A.A. Vagin, K.S. Wilson, E.J. Dodson

  4. Molecular Replacement using a 50% Homologous NMR Trial Model
    C. Dennis, R. Pauptit

  5. Refinement of the Twinned Crystal Structure of a Protein-Like Small Molecule with 850 Atoms in the Asymmetric Unit Starting from an Ab-Initio Solution
    T.R. Schneider, J. Kärcher, E. Pohl, P. Lubini, G.M. Sheldrick


  1. MAIN 98: Steps Towards Automatic Macromolecular Structure Determination
    D. Turk

  2. Conformational Behaviour of 11-O-Methylazithromycin in the Solid and Solution State
    N. Kostic-Hulita, D. Matak-Vinkovic, M. Vinkovic, G. Lazarevski, G. Kobrehel

  3. Structural Studies on metal Substituted Derivatives of Desulforedoxin, A Rubredoxin Type Protein
    M. Archer, A.L. Carvalho, S. Teixeira, I. Moura,J.J.G. Moura, M.J. Romao

  4. X-PLOR 98.0 - New Features and Enhancements
    Sándor Szalma, John Badger, R. Ajay Kumar and Ping Yip

  5. MIR: An Automated Program for Isomorphous Replacement
    A.A. Vagin, M.N. Isupov

  6. Automation of macromolecular map interpretation and model building
    T. Oldfield