3D-BioInfo | ICSB 3D-SIG | ELIXIR Czech Republic
Community Meeting in Structural Bioinformatics 

November 15-17, 2023

Prague Congress Centre (PCC), Czech Republic







Abstract Submission Instructions

Abstracts can be submitted via the registration system only. Please, read the Process paragraph before submitting abstract.

Language of Submission: All abstracts must be submitted in English with accurate grammar and spelling suitable for publication.

Abstracts Submission Limit: One abstract submission per submitter.

It is not necessary to register at the conference before sending an abstract but, please, create your profile at 

  1. Go to Your Submissions and Submit Contribution in your profile.
  2. Select format of your contribution - oral/poster if you want to be considered for talk, poster if you don't want to be considered for a lecture or invited lecture, if you have been invited to speak in a session.
  3. Author Information, e-mail is required for presenting author, institutions should include addresses. You can insert up to 10 co-authors in the individual fields. This will provide you with a total of 10 authors of which 9 are co-authors and 1 is Presenting Speaker.
  4. Contribution details (title, text) in build-in editor allowing to write or insert RTF text. Do not capitalize words of title, only the first letter and possibly some names. You can also insert there a text prepared in text processor like in MS-Office, Open Office, Libre Office etc.
    No figures and formulas can be included. Please, write/insert in this field only body of the text without authors and institutions.
  5. Provide up to five keywords. A keyword is an index entry that identifies your abstract content relevant to the subject matter.
  6. Proceed to next page
  7. Here, you can upload your source file (doc, docx, odt) and possibly PDF used for editors to check final view, if you like to include figures and/or formulas. The source file must be prepared separately according to the abstract template!!! Please download the template with all the instructions (or then also empty onezipped template for Libre Office
    Total length should be 1-2 pages formatted according to the template instructions.

You will have access to the online submission system, to review and adjust your abstract up to the deadlines identified above accordingly.
Changes and corrections: Once submitted, it is possible to change your abstract. In order to correct your abstract you must login into your account and make sure to make your modifications before the abstract submission deadline. In the case of errors in your abstract discovered after the deadline, you may indicate the correction during the presentation at the congress. However, changes will not be included in the publications.

Withdrawal: You can withdraw your abstract before the deadline. If you want to withdraw an abstract already submitted after the submission deadline, please notify us as quickly as possible at the 3d-bio-2023@xray.cz stating the title and number of the abstract to be withdrawn. Note that, withdrawal is still possible after the submission deadline.

Notification of Selection
Communication will be sent to the Abstract Submitter in October 2023 with a report on the status of the abstract (accepted or declined). Abstracts not selected for oral presentation will be considered for poster presentation. The presenters of lectures will be required to register to the conference by October 8, 2023 to confirm their acceptance and be included in the Conference Program and the conference journal with abstract.
Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present if accepted.


We are considereing to publish the abstracts in the conference issue of CSCA local journal Materials Structure that will be available at the on-site registration and later also online. This depends on total number of abstracts.
Examples from Aperiodic 2015 conference or XTOP 2016.




Local organizers





Contact mail: 3d-bio-2023 et xray.cz