Pixel corrections for thick sensor detectors

C. López Jurado, S. Selleck, J. Just, M. Ramakrishnan, S. Ansell, C. Weninger, Z. Matìj

MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University, Sweden


Flat hybrid pixel detectors present the most common instruments for recording photon counts in crystallographic experiments at accelerator-based light sources as well as in X-ray laboratories. To optimize efficiency of the detection process the ratio of detector sensor thickness and pixel face size is commonly set quite high. A narrow X-ray beam entering such a detector at an oblique angle is absorbed in multiple consecutive pixels. This is causing an effective shift of the detected signal known as the “parallax” effect. The absorption of X-rays in the detector sensor is also more complete. The latter is called an “oblique incidence effect”. These effects can cause a characteristic blur of diffraction spots depending on the detector incidence angle. Appropriate corrections are well established in software for single crystal diffraction data processing [1] and known in software for azimuthal integration of diffraction patterns from X-ray area detectors [2]. A framework [3] was created to simulate the parallax and oblique incidence effects by means of point spread function (PSF) using a simple raytracing of the interaction of X-rays with the detector and assuming a point X-ray source. The model can describe realistic detector cases including gaps between detector submodules knows as “wide pixels” (Figure 1). Detector PSF is represented by a sparse matrix and so the calculation of the blurred image for any type of ideal simulated signal is very effective. More complex is the deconvolution of known simulated PSF from a measured images that should result in position and intensity corrected diffraction images and optimally also sharpen diffraction spots. Several methods (Richardson-Lucy, Deep learning, and Direct inversion) are presented and compared. Their applications for diffraction data processing are briefly discussed.

1. W. Kabsch, X-ray Detector Software, XDS version: March 15, (2007), https://xds.mr.mpg.de/html_doc/Release_Notes.html (visited May 5th, 2023)

2. J. Kieffer et al., pyFAI documentation: Deconvolution of the Thickness effect, (2023), https://pyfai.readthedocs.io/en/master/usage/tutorial/ThickDetector/deconvolution.html (visited May 5th, 2023)

3. S. Selleck, C.L Jurado and Z. Matìj, xtrace: Removing Detector Depth Blur in Near Field Scattering - An Initial Exploration, (2023), https://github.com/maxiv-science/xtrace (visited May 5th, 2023)



Figure 1. Detector submodules are depicted in the upper left part. So called “wide-pixels” are visible in the enlarged image area on the right.