Central Laboratories at the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague (https://clab.vscht.cz/) consists from nine laboratories and Laboratory of X-Ray Diffractometry and Spectrometry is one of them. The Central Laboratories were created with aim to provide support for scientific research and pedagogical activities of the faculties of the UCT Prague.
The main mission of laboratory consists in the determination of phase composition of samples using X-Ray diffraction analysis (XRD) involving the measurement and evaluation of diffraction patterns and in the determination of elemental composition of samples by X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF). Samples are supplied from university departments but also from external customers.
XRD analysis are performed using the following instrumentation:
D8 Advance q-q diffractometer (Co tube), variable slits, transmission/reflective stage, sample changer, LynxEye 1D detector.
X´Pert Pro q-q diffractometer (Co tube), variable slits, transmission/reflective stage, sample changer and PIXcel1D detector.
X'Pert3 Powder q-q diffractometer (Cu tube), variable slits, transmission/reflective stage, sample changer for 15 samples and PIXcel1D detector.
Empyrean q-q diffractometer (Cu tube), variable slits, eliptical mirror, transmission/reflective stage, sample changer for 45 samples, thin film attachment and PIXcel1D detector.
D8 Discover q-q microXRD diffractometer (Co tube), parallel polycapillary optics POLYCAP, 6 long collimators with inner diameter 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1, 2 mm, motorized stage with XYZ range 0–24mm, VANTEC-500 2D X-ray detector
The HTK 1200N chamber with furnace heater operating up to 1200 °C and MRI chamber with strip heater operating up to 1400 °C are available for in-situ X-ray diffraction studies in different atmospheres.
The software package HighScore Plus V 5.0e (PANalytical, Almelo, Netherlands) is used for data evaluation and search in databases PDF-4+2023 or PDF-4/Organics 2023.
XRF qualitative, semiquantitative and quantitative analysis are performed using the following instrumentation:
Wavelength Dispersive fully automatic sequential spectrometers can measure 87 elements (Be-U, concentration from 1 ppm to 100%), sample must fit in cylindrical cassette, diameter 52mm and height up to 40mm. Samples are measured in vacuum.
Possible samples – solid materials, powders and liquids.
Axios WD spectrometer - Rh tube underneath sample, 4kW generator, 3 collimators, 6 masks (6, 10, 20, 27, 32, 37 mm), 8 crystals (PX1, PX5, PX4a, PX7, PE002, Ge 111, LiF 200, LiF 220), proportional and scintillation detectors. SuperQ sw is used to control spectrometr and for quantitative analysis. Omnian sw is used for standardless analysis in range F-U.
Performix WD spectrometer - Rh tube underneath sample, 4.2kW generator, 4 collimators, 4 masks (1.5, 3, 15, 30 mm), 6 crystals (PE002, Ge 111, LiF 200, LiF 220, AX03, AX-BeB), proportional and scintillation detectors. Oxsas sw is used to control spectrometr, for quantitative analysis and mapping. Uniquant sw is used for standardless analysis in range F-U.
ZSX Primus IV WD spectrometer - Rh tube above sample, 4kW generator, 3 collimators, 5 masks (0.5, 1, 10, 20, 30 mm), 6 crystals (PET 002-curved, Ge 111-curved, LiF 200, LiF 220, RX35, RX85), proportional and scintillation detector. ZSX sw is used to control spectrometr and for quantitative analysis. SQX software is used for standardless analysis in range B, F-U.
Energy Dispersive spektrometer (Mg-U, 100ppm to 100%) :
XL5 handheld ED spectrometer (Mg-U, 2 masks (3,8mm), concentration from 100ppm to 100%). Samples are measured in air, no limit on sample size. Standardless sw is not available = all elements in range Mg-U cannot be quantified simultaneously. Preinstalled calibration: General Metals (3,8mm) - 33 elements, Mining(8mm) - 41 elements, Plastics(8mm) - 24 elements, Soil(8mm) - 33 elements, Coating(3,8mm) - 30 elements. The report will include only elements in calibration,