Tools for RNA and DNA structural description at

Bohdan Schneider, Michal Malý, Lada Biedermannová, Jiří Černý

Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, 252 50 Vestec, Czech Republic

I will introduce our web application, which enables an in-depth analysis and validation of nucleic acid structures, primarily based on the assignment of dinucleotide conformers. The  web service was introduced for the first time in 2016 [1] but has been quite significantly redesigned and its functionality extended. We developed several new tools for annotation and validation of nucleic acids that are all based on the concept of the dinucleotide conformational classes, NtC [2]. One of the new validation tools are scattergrams correlating the geometries of dinucleotides and their fit to the experimental electron density, RSCC-rmsd plots. We also validate quality of the covalent geometry of analyzed nucleic acids by comparing values of their bond lengths and angles to values expected in a curated set of PDB-deposited structures. The web service is based on the C++ backend programs for the NtC assignment and runs most user demanded calculations on the user computer; it uses customized Molstar viewer [3].


[1] Černý et al.: Nucleic Acids Research, 44: W284 (2016). doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw381.

[2] Černý et al.: Nucleic Acids Research, 48: 6367 (2020). doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa383.

[3] Sehnal et al.: Nucleic Acids Research, 49: 6367 (2020). doi: 10.1093/nar/gkab31.


This research was funded by Czech Academy of Sciences, grant RVO 86652036 and by grant LM2023055 to ELIXIR CZ from MEYS Czech Republic.