High temperature X-ray powder diffraction as a tool for
monitoring of thermally induced transformation of β-Fe2O3
in various atmospheres
J. Kašlík, O. Malina, I. Medřík, J.
Filip, R. Zbořil
Regional Centre of Advanced technologies and Materials,
Departments of Experimental Physics and Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Science,
Palacký University Olomouc, 17. listopadu 1192/12, 771 46 Olomouc, Czech
Iron oxide nanomaterials
became one of the most studied materials up to date due to their significantly
different properties comparing to their bulk counterparts. Generally, four
crystalline form of iron(III) oxide exist exhibiting different crystallographic
and magnetic properties. We present thermally induced solid state
transformations of one of the rare iron(III) oxide polymorph, i.e., β-Fe2O3,
by view of high temperature X-ray powder diffraction. All transformation
experiments were performed in very similar conditions (i.e., temperature
increment, gas pressure) with only difference in exchange of reaction gases.
Gases were chosen to represent oxidative, inert, and reductive atmospheres
(i.e., synthetic air, CO2, N2, H2).
Transformation in the oxidative atmosphere of synthetic air led directly to
creation of the most stable iron(III) oxide polymorph, i.e., hematite, in
temperature range 680 – 760 °C. Transformation performed in
carbon dioxide atmosphere led to creation of magnetite via hematite at
temperature range 475 – 700 °C. Transformation scheme of
experiment performed in nitrogen atmosphere, which is considered as inert, was
more complicated and transformation via two intermediates (i.e., hematite and
magnetite) led to final product identified as wustite, which was created between
800 and 900 °C. In these experiments, all intermediates and final products
were investigated at room temperature by view of X-ray powder diffraction and
Mössbauer spectroscopy to confirm the phase composition and iron ions state.
Reductive atmosphere of hydrogen led to creation of metallic iron as expected
due to the nature of reducing gas.
The authors gratefully acknowledge
the financial support by Internal IGA grant of Palacký University Olomouc,
Czech Republic (IGA_PrF_2015_017).