Since the installation of instrumentation (in the first half of 2013) by Rigaku, more than 900 samples of “small molecule” samples and about 2000 samples of proteins were mounted on goniometers of diffractometers.
The universal diffraction system and protein diffraction system of the X-ray Diffraction and Bio-SAXS Core Facility are based on rotating anode generators with multilayer optics, partial χ axis goniometers, CCD detectors and liquid nitrogen based low temperature systems. The protein diffraction system is also equipped with ACTOR system for measurement automation.
Both diffraction system allow customers to request these types of services:
· Test of a diffraction quality of protein crystals, derivatives, cryoprotectants etc. prior data collection
· Collection of diffraction data with crystals of biological macromolecules
· Data collection and solving of the crystal structures with non-biological single crystals
· Collection of high angle diffraction data with non-biological single crystals
· Collection of diffraction data with small and/or weakly diffracting non-biological single crystals
· Minor material supplies (e.g. accessories, liquid nitrogen)