The presence of residual stresses in the near surface region of bulk materials and in thin films is a general problem of various technologies. Among a number of methods developed for stress analysis, X-ray diffraction methods are of special importance due to their capability to analyze the depth variation of the residual stresses. Since the first stress determination by X-ray diffraction in the 1930s a large variety of measuring methods and evaluation procedures were developed. While the standard method can be easily used for bulk materials, it is not applicable for thin films, where steep stress gradient perpendicular to the sample surface can be present. In this case the methods based on grazing incidence (GI) set-up are more appropriate. The constant (and usually small) angle of incidence α, that is a characteristic feature of GI X-ray diffraction, ensures that the information depth does not change during the measurement. The GI method of stress determination is classified as multiple {hkl} mode in comparison with the method, that uses only one set of {hkl} planes while the angle of sample inclination χ varies. The GI method is based on the fact that all diffraction vectors contributing to the GI diffraction pattern make different angles with the surface normal of the sample and provide sufficient set of data for stress evaluation. However, this method of stress measurement fails if the analyzed layer is strongly textured. In this case the orientation of the diffraction vectors is sharply localized and the number of diffractions registered in the measurement performed at constant α and χ (usually ) may be insufficient for the evaluation of the stress state.
In the presented contribution a modified method combining multiple {hkl} and multiple χ modes of stress measurements is outlined. Measuring at can significantly increase the number of accessible diffractions. The analyzed film is supposed to have a fibre texture with the texture axis parallel to the surface normal. The most probable values of angles ψ between the diffraction vectors and the direction are calculated from single crystal data. In order to measure the diffraction with Bragg angle θ at selected angle of incidence α, the tilting angle χ and the rotation angle ω of the goniometer have to be calculated according to relations
Due to rotational symmetry of the texture there is no specific restriction for the azimuthal angle ϕ.
The described method was used for evaluation of biaxial stress in ZnO layers deposited on (111) GaP substrates. The stress measurements were performed on as deposited samples and repeated after annealing at 300 °C for 1 hour in N2 atmosphere. The details of sample preparation are given elsewhere [1]. The layers exhibit strong fibre texture with [001] axis perpendicular to sample surface, the 002 pole figure is shown in Fig. 1. Due to this texture, only three diffractions (002, 103 and 203) with sufficient intensities can be used for stress evaluation, when the diffraction pattern is recorded in standard GI set-up with and . However, polycrystalline hexagonal ZnO provides 20 diffractions in the range (for Cu Kα radiation) with relative intensities above 1%, 17 of them are accessible by an appropriate choice of angles χ and ω for a constant angle of incidence . Ten strongest diffractions were measured for different values of ψ around the ideal angle corresponding to single crystal data.
Figure 1. 3D Pole figure 002 of ZnO layer measured within the angular range χ = 0° - 30°. |
Figure 2. sin2ψ plot based on the combination of multiple hkl and multiple χ mode of stress measurement. |
The results for annealed sample are collected in standard plot in Fig. 2. It is seen that the points cover almost uniformly the whole range of the parameter . The crystallite group method proposed for thin films with fibre texture [2] was employed for the calculation of biaxial stress. The appropriate relation for hexagonal crystals with this type of texture has the form
It was found that the stress in ZnO layers is compressive and its value decreased significantly upon annealing from 3 GPa to 0.5 GPa.
The method enables to analyze also the depth variation of the stress by changing the angle of incidence α. However, approaching the critical angle for total external reflection, an appropriate correction of measured diffraction angles has to be made. In addition, for inclined geometry () the plane of refraction does not coincide with the diffraction plane and the standard corrections have to be modified [3]. Further improvements can be achieved by applying more sophisticated models developed for thin films [4].