ELI - unique laser centre in Czech Republic
Bøetislav Rus
Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha
The project Extreme Light
Infrastructure (ELI) is part of a European plan to build a new generation of
large research facilities selected by the European Strategy Forum for Research
Infrastructures (ESFRI).
The main goal of ELI is to create
the latest laser equipment in the world. There will be accomplished and
implemented research projects covering the interaction of light with matter at
intensity being 10 times higher than currently achievable values. ELI will provide
ultra-short laser pulses of a few femtoseconds (10-15
fs) duration and give performance up to 10 PW.
ELI will bring new techniques for
medical image-display and diagnostics, radiotherapy, tools for new materials
developing and testing, latest in X-ray optics, etc.
ELI will also be an attractive
platform for educating a new generation of PhD. students, scientists and
engineers. The Czech Republic will become the host country for the top
international research, which may attract further investment in advanced
technologies with high added value.
ELI equals three laser centers
combined under one heading.
The first facility (ELI Beamlines) will be located in the Czech Republic and will
create a new generation of secondary sources for interdisciplinary applications
in physics, medicine, biology and material sciences.
The second center (ELI Attosecond) is being arranged in Hungary and is to be
focused on physics of ultrashort optical pulses in attosecond order.
And finally, the third center (ELI
Nuclear Physics) aimed at photonuclear physics should be located in Romania.
The location of another
infrastructure is currently being discussed.
ELI will be operated according to a
new model designed for a consortium of European research infrastructures
(ERIC). Members of the ELI-ERIC will become the Czech Republic, Hungary and
Romania (founding members) as well as the major partners of the project
preparatory phase (ELI-PP): Germany, Great Britain, France and other countries.
Implementation of ELI in the Czech
Republic is in charge of Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic. It coordinates a national consortium ELI-CZ comprising 14 Czech
universities and research institutes. Key support is provided by the Ministry
of Education, Youth and Sport and the Central Bohemia region.
consortium groups
together all of the Czech universities and scientific institutions interested
in the ELI Project. Founded in January
2009, the Consortium stands as an evidence of a strong partnership between the
academic and research institutions, and clearly demonstrates the common goal:
building and operating the ELI international laser facility in the Czech
Republic. Introducing new educational programmes
(undergraduate, graduate, and PhD) that will be closely tied to the ELI scientific
parameters, as well as raising awareness of the ELI Project and the laser
sciences in general throughout the national academic community is the main
mission of the Consortium ELI-CZ members.
Dolní Bøeany
municipality in Central Bohemia region was selected as the most convenient
location for the most intense laser in the world.
International Beamlines will become an international
infrastructure employing approx. 300 homeland and foreign member staff. In
addition, it will be targeted by hundreds users and partners from all over
Europe. Reasonable distance from the Prague airport and main highways were
considered to be essential criteria whereas domestic scientific and industrial
base is concentrated in the capital.
(the above text can be found on the ELI Web page - http://www.eli-beams.eu/)
Design by http://www.boglearchitects.com/