to the crystallography of Ag-Pd chalcogenides
F. Laufek1,4, A. Vymazalová1,
M. Drábek1, D. A. Chareev 2, A. V. Kristavchuk
2, 3 J. Drahokoupil4,
1Czech Geological Survey, Geologická 6, 152 00 Praha 5,
2 Institute of Experimental
Mineralogy RAS, 142 432 Chernogolovka,
3 University of Dubna, Universitetskaja 19, 141 980 Dubna, Russia
4Institute of Physics of the AS CR, v.v.i., Na Slovance 2, 182 21, Praha 8,
The chalcogenides of Ag and Pd occur in nature as minerals or
poorly characterized phases in various geological environments. The Ag-Pd tellurides can be found in association with mafic or ultramafic igneous rocks
in complexes like
Up to date, twelve Ag-Pd chalcogenides (Ag4Pd3Te4,
Pd14Ag2Te9, (Pd,Ag)3Te, (Pd,Ag)8Te3,
(Pd,Ag)4Te; Ag2Pd3Se4
AgPd3Se, (Ag,Pd)22Se6,
Ag7Pd73Se20; Ag2PdS, Ag2Pd3S,
Ag3Pd13S4) have been synthesised and most of them have been structurally
characterized. One new mineral (lukkulaisvaaraite -
Pd14Ag2Te9) has been also described. The
research revealed strong different coordination preferences of palladium and
silver in these compounds. While the palladium atoms prefer the square planar
or octahedral coordination, the silver atoms show larger variability in their
coordination environments. The character of crystal structures also varies from
the three-dimensional framework structures to the phases with a layered
structure. Compounds with strong metallic behaviour were also observed. The number of direct Pd-Pd, Ag-Ag and Pd-Ag
contacts is a function of the metal:chalcogen ratio. The limits of
Ag for Pd substitution were extensively studied at various temperatures. In the
Ag-Pd-Te and Ag-Pd-Se systems, the Ag for Pd substitution occurs in compounds
with high metal : Se(Te) ratio. The maximal range of
this substitution (i.e. 34 - 56 wt. % of Ag) was detected for the (Ag,Pd)Σ22Se6
solid solution. Relevant analogical structures containing Cu and alkali metals
will be discussed.
1. L. J. Cabri: The geology, geochemistry, mineralogy and benefication of the platinum-group elements.
Canadian Institute of Mining, 2002.
2. M. J. Severson and S. A. Hauck, S.A. Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota, Duluth, (2003) Technical Report, NRRI/TR-2003/37, 2010.
3. S. F. Sluzhenikin, Russian J. General Chem. 81(6), 1288, 2010.