Upgrading Home-Lab X-ray Diffractometers with Incoatecīs Unique Microfocus Source
A. Beerlink, J. Graf, J. Wiesmann, C. Michaelsen
Incoatec GmbH, Max-Planck-Strasse 2, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany. Email: sales@incoatec.de
Modern microfocus X-ray sources define the state-of-the-art for a broad spectrum of applications in home laboratories, such as protein and small molecule crystallography, and small-angle scattering. These sources are combined with multilayer Montel optics to image the source spot onto the sample. These optics provide a parallel or focused monochromatic X-ray beam, magnified to a suitable size.
Low power sealed microfocus sources, such as Incoatecs IμS represent an attractive alternative to rotating anodes, with a significant reduction in cost and maintenance. Power loads of a few kW/mm2 in anode spot sizes below 50μm deliver a compact brilliant beam. For example, the IμSHighBrilliance delivers more than 1010 photons/s/mm2 with spot sizes in the 100μm range. It is available for Cu, Mo, Ag, Cr and Co anodes. Since the launch in 2006 nearly 500 IμS systems are now in operation worldwide for a large variety of applications in biology, chemistry, physics and material science.
Are you tired of getting spare parts for an ancient rotating anode or is your detector performance only limited by your beam delivery system that lacks intensity?
We will demonstrate how to bring former high end diffractometers back to a superb performance for cutting edge science after an upgrade with a high performance IμS source. Incoatec ensures full software and safety integration, and an installation hand in hand with your local service responsible, providing a constant service support from your partners on site.
In addition to all Bruker or Nonius systems, Incoatec also offers integrations into a wide range of instruments from Rigaku, Marresearch, or STOE, also with Dectris or Huber components.