Extending the SAXS capabilities of the multi-purpose Empyrean X-ray diffraction platform

Stjepan Prugoveèki , Jan Gertenbach and Joerg Bolze

PANalytical B.V., Almelo, The Netherlands


Ever increasing demands are being made of standard X-ray diffraction platforms for the analysis of materials, particularly those that are not suitable for analysis by traditional Bragg diffraction.  However with increased detector size and sensitivity and improved other components the capabilities of the Empyrean multi-purpose diffraction system has been extended to allow scattering measurements. The new ScatterX78 SAXS/WAXS sample platform was recently added to the Empyrean diffraction system, enabling fast SAXS and WAXS measurements of highly diluted samples  as well as measurements of  weekly scattering materials under the vacuum.  Combined with PIXcel3D 2x2 detector, the Empyrean system allows rapid collection  of high quality 2D SAXS data. The data collected from various materials will be shown and discussed.