Cobalt based ferromagnetic shape memory
M. Jarošová2, K. Jurek2, J. Drahokoupil1, I.
Kratochvílová1, L. Fekete1, L. Bodnárová3, H.
Seiner3, P. Sedlák3, M.
Landa3, J. Šepitka4, J. Lukeš4, O.
1 Institute of Physics of the AS CR,
Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Praha 8, Czech Republic
2 Institute of Physics of the AS CR,
Cukrovarnická 10/112, 162 00 Praha 6, Czech Republic
3 Institute of Thermomechanics of AS
CR, Dolejškova 5, 182 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic
4 Laboratory of Biomechanics, CTU in
Prague, Technická 4, 166 07, Prague 6, Czech Republic
shape memory alloys (FSMAs) took a lot of attraction in the
past decade [1]. The structural transition initialized by the magnetic field or
just shape change due to martensitic variant’s
reorientation give wide possibilities of applications as sensors or actuators. The NiMnGa based alloys were the most studied among FSMAs and they also
have the biggest potential. The ferromagnetic shape memory effect was described
in stoichiometric compound Ni2MnGa at first [2]. Later various
effects (as magnetically induced transformation or magnetically induced
reorientation) were described in non-stoichiometric alloys and shape change
grew from approx. 0,2 % for stoichiometric alloy up to 14 % in
off-stoichiometric one (for review see Ref. 1).
Great success in Ni2MnGa derived
alloys attracted attention to similar Heusler alloys including cobalt based
CoNiAl and CoNiGa alloys. As the NiMnGa alloys suffer due to their strongly
intermetallic state (brittleness, poor creep and fatigue properties) the cobalt
based alloys seemed to be the interesting candidate for the mechanically
stronger and more resistant FSMAs.
presentation will describe the progress in work on Co38Ni33Al29
alloy. After long struggle we have managed to prepare the defined crystals with single-crystalline
matrix. The influence of annealing on martensitic transformation in these
crystals was investigated.
structure of the investigated material Co38Ni33Al29
is composed of three phases – an ordered matrix (Co,Ni)Al with space group Pm3m,
structure type B2, and a disordered face centred cubic cobalt solid solution
with space group Fm3m, structure type A2 [3], Fig. 1. According to the phase
diagram L12 structure (Co,Ni)3Al (space group Fm3m) exits
in samples with sufficient amount of nickel. The B2 phase matrix undergoes
martensitic transformation into the tetragonal L10 structure (space
group P4/mmm). The transformation mechanism is very similar to the Ni-Al alloy
including precursors, tweed structure and softening of the phonon modes [4].
structure analysis was performed using analytical electron microscopy including
electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) as our samples are usually
directionally crystallized structures with extremely large/coarse grains. The
set of the in-situ measurements as a function of temperature on powders was
performed on neutron source at HZB - E9 high resolution powder diffractometer.
In order to
study and to apply ferromagnetic shape memory effect (FSME), it is very convenient
to have single-crystalline samples. The samples for crystallization study were
prepared using vertical floating-zone method and Bridgman method [5, 6]. The
findings from it can be summarized in the points:
samples grown with a growth rate of 17 mm×h-1 or lower have
tendency to get split into a two-phase mantle (B2 matrix plus A2 interdendritic
precipitates) and a single-phase (only B2) core. Such structures have tendency
to crack during cutting and polishing.
composition of the matrix and precipitates seems to be stable within three
categories: Floating-zone sample; Bridgman sample grown with a growth rate of
17 mm×h-1 and Bridgman samples
grown with a growth rate higher than 17 mm×h-1. Both phases in
respective categories have the uniform composition. The last category appears
to be interesting for our investigation, since a variation of the chemical
composition along the Bridgman crystal is realized through the change of the
A2/B2 phase’s ratio.
A kind of
metastable (quenched) equilibrium is necessary for the SME performance in these
alloys. It was described in literature that this equilibrium can be reached by quick
cooling after homogenization annealing, but significant changes are observed
mainly in the matrix [7]. Nanoprecipitates of various phases are created by
quenching, which can later support spreading of the habit plane of martensite.
The fcc- and hcp-cobalt solid solution precipitates with a diameter below 100
nm were observed in samples grown with a growth rate 28 and 38 mm×h-1.[8, 9]. Other nanoprecipitates
were described in literature [7].
material is very sensitive to the annealing temperature. The sample’s phase composition change significantly as the composition of the
sample is driven by the
A2/B2 phase’s ratio and
annealing temperatures are close to the dissolving limit of A2 phase.
Older works
[10] reported quite high temperatures of the martensitic transformation, but
using magnetic susceptibility measurements we observed MS ~ −73
°C. The annealing temperature depends only slightly on annealing temperatures from
1250 °C up to 1350 °C. The hysteresis of the martensitic transformation enlarges
with decreasing of the annealing temperature. Although the martensitic
transformation was indicated by magnetic measurement at temperatures below −73
°C, the martensitic structures were observed in various samples at room
temperature. The small amount of martensitic lathes was observed in sample
annealed at 1250 °C, mainly in stressed areas close to
cracks. The sample annealed at 1350 °C contains compact areas of martensitic
lathes confirmed by EBSD. The complex interaction between martensitic lathes
and A2 particles was found. The martensitic lathes are partly pinned on the
grain boundaries and A2 particles, but some of them surround them developing
hierarchical structures close to particle’s surfaces in order to lower elastic
energy, see Fig. 2.
transformation temperatures obtained by magnetic susceptibility measurements do
not agree with the results of resonant ultrasound spectroscopy on the same
samples. This discrepancy will be discussed together with the results of the
quasistatic and dynamic nanoindentation.
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would like to acknowledge the financial support from the Grant Agency of the AS
CR project IAA100100920 and Czech Science Foundation projects 101/09/0702 and