Study of Mn interstitials in (Ga,Mn)As using HRXRD
L. Horák1, J. Matějová1, X. Martí
(a)1, V. Holý1, V. Novák2, Z. Šobáň2,3,
S. Mangold4, and F. Jimenez-Villacorta5
1Department of Condensed Matter
Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
2Institute of Physics ASCR, Prague, Czech
3Department of Microelectronics, The Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
4Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
5Department of Chemical Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, USA
The (Ga,Mn)As,
belonging to the diluted magnetic semiconductors, is intended for a spintronics application, but the temperature of the
magnetic ordering is decreased among others due to the presence of the
interstitial Mn. The amount of the interstitials can
be reduced by the post-growth annealing[1], which
leads to the out-diffusion of the interstitials to the free surface. Although
this material has been intensively studied for last decade, the process of the
out-diffusion is not yet fully understood [1–2].
Figure 1: The
measured diffraction curves (circles) for as-grown, annealed and re-annealed
(sequentially 20x etched and annealed) sample with their theoretical fits
(solid line). |
We present a method for the determination of
the concentration depth profiles of Mn interstitial
ions in (Ga,Mn)As thin epitaxial layers using high-resolution x-ray diffraction
(HRXRD) [3]. The measured diffraction curves for several diffraction maxima hkl were fitted to the theoretical curves based on standard
dynamical diffraction theory (figure 1). From the asymmetry of the intensities
of the thickness fringes it is possible to characterize an eventual depth inhomogeneity of the interstitial density in the (Ga,Mn)s layer. The depth profiles
of the Mn interstitial density obtained for the
sample in various annealing states were compared to the numerical
drift-diffusion simulations, from this comparison the diffusivity of the
interstitials in (Ga,Mn)As
host lattice can be estimated.
The epitaxial GaMnAs layers under study were grown on (001)GaAs substrates by molecular beam
epitaxy. A nondestructive
character of the characterization (in contrast for instance to the transmission
electron microscopy) allows to investigate the same sample in various annealing
states. We measured an as-grown sample, then after 24 hours of annealing in the
air at 160°C and finally after 20 cycles of etching and short annealing (under
the same conditions as in the previous case). We have determined the depth
profiles of the interstitial density for all samples and these have been
compared to the numerical simulations of the interstitial drift-diffusion in
the sample.
Figure 2: Depth profiles of the concentration of the Mn
interstitials in as-grown sample, annealed and 20x etch-anneled. The
concentration profiles determined by HRXRD are represented by gray areas
indicating the uncertainty of the profiles. The profiles obtained from the
diffusion simulations for the interstitial diffusion constant Dn =
4 × 10−20 m2/s are plotted by solid lines; the concentration profiles
simulated for 10 times larger and 10 times smaller values of the Mn diffusion
constant are plotted by dotted and dashed lines, respectively. The initial
concentration profile for all simulations is given by the concentration of Mn
interstitials in as-grown sample. |
From these comparisons the diffusivity of the
Mn ions in the (Ga,Mn)As lattice has been estimated (figure 2).
The results show that the flux of the Mn ions towards
the free surface is strongly affected by the internal electric field produced
by inhomogeneously distributed holes [4].
[1] K. W. Edmonds, P. Bogus lawski, K. Y. Wang, R. P.
Campion, S. N. Novikov, N. R. S. Farley, B. L. Gallagher, C. T. Foxon, M.
Sawicki, T. Dietl, M. Buongiorno Nardelli, and J. Bernholc, Phys. Rev. Lett.
92, 037201 (2004).
[2] J.
Adell, I. Ulfat, L. Ilver, J. Sadowski, K. Karlsson, and J. Kanski, Journal of
Physics Condensed Matter 23, 085003 (2011).
[3] L.
Horák, Z. Šobáň, and V. Holý, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 296009
[4] L.
Horák, J. Matějová, X. Martí, V. Holý, V. Novák, Z. Šobáň, S. Mangold, and F.
Jiménez-Villacorta, Phys. Rev. B – accepted
for publishing
work is a part of the research programme MSM 0021620834 financed by the
Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic. The work has been supported by the
European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme NAMASTE under grant agreement
number 214499. The XANES experiment was carried out at synchrotron ANKA,