"ReDNATCO" - making DNATCO more useful for crystallographers

Malý Michal, Černý Jiří, Biedermannová Lada, Božíková Paulína, Schneider Bohdan

Institute of Biotechnology, BIOCEV, Vestec, Czech Republic


In its current form, the DNATCO web service primarily performs assignment of nucleotide conformers classes (NtCs) to dinucleotides in nucleic acid structures and structure validation. While some functionality for NtC-aware structure modelling and refinement is available, it is currently rather rudimentary and depends on external tools that have to be used separately outside DNATCO. The main goal of the "ReDNATCO" (placeholder name) is to expand the functionality of DNATCO to make it a useful and convenient tool for structural refinement as well.
In this talk we will present an overview of the current and planned features. Most importantly, we hope to get involved with other crystallographers to discuss how they do things and seek collaborations to make sure that the new DNATCO provides the necessary functionality and user convenience.