Time-resolved infrared structural biology at IBT and ELI Beamlines

Yingliang Liu1, Nils Lenngren2, Alessandra Picchiotti2, Ziaul Hoque2, Mateusz Rebarz2, Gustavo Fuertes1, Miroslav Kloz2, Jakob Andreasson2, Bohdan Schneider1, Janos Hajdu2

1 Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, BIOCEV, Prùmyslová 595
252 50 Vestec Prague West, Czech Republic

2ELI Beamlines, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Na Slovance 2,182 21 Praha 8, Czech Republic


Vibrational spectroscopy is widely used to characterize molecular structures in different phases. At the Institute of Biotechnology (IBT) and ELI Beamlines, two state-of-the-art time-resolved infrared spectroscopy instruments are under construction, with the goal of measuring non-equilibrium (bio)-molecular dynamics upon photoexcitation. The one at IBT is based on the step-scan and fast-scan methods and uses a nanosecond optical parametric oscillator (OPO) laser as the pumping source and a Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer as the probe. The OPO laser has a tunable frequency range from 210 nm to 2600 nm and is therefore suitable for triggering many biological processes. This setup can be used to trace conformational dynamics from a few nanoseconds to several seconds. On the other hand, the setup at ELI Beamlines uses a femtosecond laser, optical parametric amplifiers (OPAs) and difference frequency generation (DFG) system. The introduction of a second amplifier will permit us to track dynamical processes from sub-picoseconds to milliseconds in a single measurement. By inserting a pulse shaper in the IR pump beam, the IR-pump IR-probe setup will be transformed into a two-dimensional (2D) IR spectrometer.[1] 2D IR spectroscopy spreads the contribution of components of the pumping pulse with different frequencies into a second axis, like 2D NMR but with sub-picosecond time resolution[2], allowing more detailed structural information about fast molecular events (e.g. solvation effects) to be obtained. 2D IR spectroscopy in combination with vibrational labels introduced into proteins at specific locations will be used to follow the fluctuations of the chemical environment around the probes and their coupling. A transient 2D IR experiment will also be assembled by introducing an actinic pump that initializes photoactive  reactions. In order to suppress systematic errors, single-shot Fourier transform 2D IR spectroscopy is proposed by introducing front-tilted infrared pulses.

1.         Shim, S.-H., and Zanni, M. T. (2009) How to turn your pump-probe instrument into a multidimensional spectrometer: 2D IR and Vis spectroscopies via pulse shaping. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11, 748–761.

2.         Zanni, M., and Hamm, P. (2011) Concepts and Methods of 2D Infrared Spectroscopy. Cambridge University Press.