Spectral watermarking approach to stimulated Raman spectroscopy – background free femtosecond vibration spectra

Miroslav Kloz

ELI-Beamlines, Institute of Physics, Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Praha 8, Czech Republic,
E-mail: miroslav.kloz@eli-beams.eu


Abstract: Femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy (FSRS) is plagued by serious baseline issues that lead to spurious peaks. Here we present a robust approach to FSRS that finally turns it into a versatile tool in structural biology.


FSRS experiment was introduced already nearly 20 year ago, despite its numerous benefits it is still recognized as a relatively exotic technique with only a handfull of groups worldwide that put it into practice. The reason is in inseparability of FSRS signal from the transient absorption and other non-liear backgrounds that bring numerous adjacent technical dificulties such as fixed patter noise. We developped a “spectra watermarking method” that borows concepts form the field of information procesing but essentialy function as spectral modualtion based lock-in detection. Since Raman signal is a form of hihgly defined spectra shift, such technique can safely extract the Raman signal from the numerous unwanted nonlinear signals.

Digital watermarking is a technique of inscribing a subtle signal (a watermark) on top of another, typically much stronger, signal such as music or video stream (carrier signal). The key problem is in developing a reliable method to inscribe the watermark in such a way that it does not substantially obstruct the original signal, and at the same time can be retrieved with high fidelity independent of the carrier signal structure, and ideally even sustain signal alteration during transcription to various formats. This can be achieved by inscribing the watermark as pseudorandom wavelets. When data mixed with a watermark are convoluted by a second identical watermark in post-processing, the position of the watermark is manifested as a sharp localized peak due to constructive interference. With this information the separation of the watermark from the carrier signal becomes trivial matrix multiplication.

We recognized an important analogy between digital watermarking and the Raman experiment. In both cases the goal is to detect a fine structure on top of a strong, broadband and generally unspecified background. In the Raman experiment, fluorescence or stimulated emission can be treated as the carrier signal while the Raman signal itself can be seen as a watermark. The key problem in current femtosecond frequency domain Raman spectroscopy (FSRS) is that it depends on employing a spectrally-narrow Raman excitation that leads to a single specific manifestation of the Raman signal (upper part of fig. 1). The advantage of such approach is that the recorded spectrogram represents a direct image of the vibrational spectra. Nowadays, however, in the era of digitized detection this benefit dropped in importance. Implicit data can be automatically converted to an explicit signal provided that the correct routine exists. The traditional approach of improving signal contrast by repeating the same experiment with a fixed narrow Raman excitation leads to improvement of the signal, but the background signal is constantly accumulated as well. If we instead accumulate data by cycling the Raman signal as pseudorandom watermarks (bottom part of fig. 2) we can in principle recover only the desired signal. This is indeed possible experimentally by watermarking the pulses used to generate Raman signal (Raman pulse-pump: “Rp”), which results in a direct watermarking of the Raman signal  as illustrated in Fig. 1-2. Figure 2 show that when watermarkign is generated as a difference of two complementary watermarks, it yields aditional benefit  of fixed pattern noise suppression and aditional baseline removal. The method was already proven valid in applications such as investigation of carotenoid S* state origin1 or inspecting cofactors in proteins (fig 3).



     Figure 1 (left) Peaks in the Raman spectra are in fact replicas of spectral shape of the Raman pulse. When a Raman experiment is performed with broad watermarked pulses the Raman peaks are manifested as defined watermarks.
Figure 2 (right) Procedure of differential watermark inscribing: the chosen watermark with zero integral (W0) is divided into positive (W+) and negative (W-) components. Two experiments are performed with Rp pulses W+ and W-. The difference of these experiments results in a signal where Raman peaks carry the W0 watermark while the broadband baseline and fix pattern noise are simultaneously suppressed.





Figure 3 Example of data prcessed via watermarking. Femtosecond Raman spectra evolution of peridinin chlorophysl protein after excitation at 480 nm is displayed above. Note the perfect baseline achieved withou any ad hoc corrections.


[1]        Kloz, M.; Wei; Polivka, T.; Frank, H. A.; Kennis, J. T. M. "Spectral watermarking in femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy: resolving the nature of the carotenoid S* state",  Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21, 2016;