Theoretical Study of Metal Ion Binding in Modified and Natural Cytosine-Cytosine Base Pairs


Jakub Šeberaa,b, Kumiko Sugiyamac, Akira Onoc, Jos Mulderd, C. Fonseca Guerrad, F. Matthias Bickelhauptd, Yoshiyuki Tanakae, Vladimír Sychrovskýb


a Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences Czech Republic v.v.i, Na Slovance 2, CZ-182 21, Prague 8, Czech Republic

bInstitute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Flemingovo nám. 2, 166 37 Prague, Czech Republic

cDepartment of Material and Life Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University,3-27-1 Rokkakubashi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 221-8686, Japan

d Department of Theoretical Chemistry and Amsterdam Center for Multiscale ModelingVU University Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 10831081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands

e Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University, 6-3 Aza-Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578, Japan



We present here the optimized geometries and stabilization energies of metal-mediated  base pair CA-M-CA, where CA is 4-N-carboxymethylcytosine and M is  Ag+,Ni2+ and Cu2+. The second part of our work includes the optimized geometries, relative energies of individual isomers and conformers of metal-mediated base pair C-Ag+-C and the calculation of spin-spin coupling 1J(N,Ag).

The calculations were performed using the DFT CAM-BLYP or B3LYP functional employing the continuum model of water solvent. The NMR spin-spin coupling constant 1J(N,Ag) in C-Ag+-C base pair was calculated using the DFT-ZORA (Zero Order Regular Approximation) approach with the BLYP and B3LYP functionals.

We described several structurally possible metal binding modes of CA-M-CA base pairs. The CA-Cu2+-CA was found to be the most stable metal-mediated base pair as regards the calculated stabilization energy, which was in agreement with the melting temperature experiment for doping the DNA duplex 5‘-GTGACCACATGCAGTG-3‘:CACTGGTCAACGTCAC-5‘ with the three different metals. At the second part of our study, we found that the most stable isomer of C-Ag+-C base pair possessed the N3-Ag+-N3 linkage and the calculated 1J(N,Ag) spin-spin coupling was in good agreement with experiment. 


This work was supported by the Young Investigator’s Grant of the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP), Grant Agency of the Czech Republic P205/10/0228, Technological Agency of the Czech Republic Grant no. TACR TA01011165, and by the Czech Science Foundation Grant No. P304/10/1951. The access to the MetaCentrum computing facilities is appreciated.