CSCA Activities in 1993

One-day seminars, meetings, conferences and schools (see below) were organized and several publications appeared last year. It was first of all the book "Diffraction methods in Materials Science" published by Nova Science Publishers., New York. Lectures and teaching notes to the International Tables of Crystallography (vol. A), written by Prof. Hahn and Prof. Wondratschek were prepared for the school "Use of International Tables for Structure Determination". Participants of the school also obtained free copies of "Brief Teaching Edition of Volume A. International Tables for Crystallography".

Bulletin of the Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association appeared in spring and copies of "IUCr Newsletter " were distributed quaterly to members of the CSCA.

CSCA obtained financial support from grant agencies and scientific organizations in Czech Republic. In present time, the association participates in the following activities and projects:

"Regional center joined to CCDC" coordinates the activities of the "Centers of structural crystallography and molecular modelling" in the Institute of Physics and Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic, in Prague, and Technical University in Bratislava.

The association provides the members submitting projects in the field of crystallography and related branches with financial and professional assistance.

Seminars on problems of X-ray and neutron structure analysis

214th Seminar

January 19--20

Modern methods, techniques and applications of single crystal and powder diffraction.

11 lectures, excursion in Department of solid state chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, sponsored by ENRAF -- NONIUS

Lectures :

Organization : J. Hasek, J. Hybler, B. Kratochvil, R. Kuzel, Enraf-Nonius

215th Seminar

Institute of materials and machine mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava,
March 30.

Powder metallurgy Lectures:

Organization : M.Dunaj--Jurco, D.Hrivnakova

216th Seminar

Faculty of Natural Sciences, Masaryk University, Brno,
September 9

Lectures :

Organization : J. Kubena, V. Holy

217th Seminar

Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic, Praha
November 25

Lectures :

Organization : J. Hasek, R. Kuzel

218th Seminar

Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of P.J. Stefanik, Kosice Lectures : Organization : J. Cernak

2nd Regional Czecho -- Slovak conference on powder diffraction

Military Academy, Liptovsky Mikulas,
June 8--10

Proceedings -- M. Truban (editor), 126 pages, 31 extended abstracts. Published by Military Academy Liptovsky Mikulas

Organization : T. Havlik, P. Sutta, M. Truban

3rd Seminar -- Development of materials science in research and education

September 21--24

Proceedings - D. Barancok, D. Hrivnakova, J. Vajda (editors), abstracts of -- 12 lectures, 21 short lectures, 30 posters.

Organization : M. Dunaj--Jurco, J. Krempasky

Use of International Tables for Structure Determination

Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Czech republic, Praha,
June 1--4

Prof. Dr. Theodor Hahn, Prof. Dr. Hans Wondratschek, 32 hours of lectures and exercises,

Organization : J. Hasek, J. Hybler, V. Janovec, R. Kuzel

Commissions of the CSCA

Editorial office
Bulletin of the CSCA
Commission for instruments
survey of X-ray instruments used for structure analysis in Czech and Slovak Republics, software exchange, contacts between laboratories, consultation
Working group "Structure and properties in natural sciences
use of structural databases
CSCA Library
books, journals published by the Association, other books, journals of IUCr -- Acta Crystallographica A,B,C,D and Journal of Applied Crystallography

Collaboration with other societies

International Activities

Membership in commissions of IUCr

Regional Committee of IUCr 1994--1996

Addresses of the CSCA officials