The number of different lattice types is limited. The following observations can explain the statement
1) A unit cell with two centered faces must be of type F.
Suppose the cell is A and B centred. Then a lattice row defined by the lattice points (0, 1/2, 1/2) and (1/2,0,1/2) occurs. Since any lattice point is equivalent to any other because of the translation symmetry, a parallel lattice row with the same period should pass through the lattice point (1,0,0), which involves an additional lattice point at (1/2,1/2,0). The cell is then F-centred.
2) A unit cell which is at same time I- and C-centred can always be reduced to a conventional centred cell.
For instance an I and C cell will have lattice points at position (1/2,1/2,1/2) and (1/2,1/2,0). A lattice row arises passing through the two lattice points. In accordance with the previous case, a lattice point at (0,0,1/2) should be present. The lattice can then be described by a new A cell with axes a' = a, b' = b, c' = c/2
Triclinic lattice
Even though non-primitive cells can
always be chosen, the absence of axes with order greater than one suggests the
choice of a conventional primitive cell with unrestricted ,
angles and a:b:c ratios. In fact, any triclinic lattice can always be referred
to such a cell.
The conventional cell has the twofold axis parallel to b, angles = = 90°, unrestricted b and a:b:c ratios. Let us consider first a B-centred monoclinic cell with unit vectors a, b, c. In the figure we draw two adjacent cells. We can choose a new primitive cell with parameters:
= a,
b' =
= (a + c) / 2
Since c' lies on the (a, c) plane the new cell will be still monoclinic. Therefore a lattice with a B type monoclinic cell can always be reduced to a lattice with P monoclinic cell.
Let us now consider
an I unit cell with axes a,
b, c; In the figure we show two adjacent cells. A
new A-centred cell may be choose
Therefore a lattice with an I unit monoclinic cell may always be described by an A monoclinic cell. Furthermore, since the a and c axes can always be interchanged, an A cell can be always reduced to a C cell.
A lattice described by an
cell can always be described by a C-monoclinic cell
by choosing
a' = a, b' = b, c' = (a + c) / 2.
A lattice with a C-monoclinic cell is not amenable to a lattice having a P monoclinic cell. By a C cell with axes a, b, c a primitive cell is obtained by assuming
a' = (a + b) / 2, b' = (-a + b) / 2, c' = c
but this no longer shows the
features of a monoclinic cell since
90°, a'=b'
c' and the two axes lies along the diagonal of the face
Orthorhombic lattices
In the conventional orthorhombic cell the three proper or inversion axes are parallel to the vectors a, b, c, with angles = = = 90° and general a:b:c ratios.
An A-centred or a B-centred unit cell can be reduced to a C-centred orthorhombic cell just by trivially interchanging the axes.
An I-centred cell cannot be reduced to a P or to a C-centred orthorhombic cell. In order to obtain a P unit cell from an I-cell the following axis transformation may be used (in the figure, eight adjacent cells are shown):
a' = - ½ a + ½ b + ½ c
c' = ½ a + ½ b - ½ c
which is not a conventional orthorhombic unit cell.
In order to show that an I-centred cell cannot be reduced to a C-centred conventionally orthorhombic cell, the user can apply the following axis transformation:
a' = a
c' = c
An F-centred cell cannot be reduced to a conventional orthorhombic P- or C- or I-centred cell. In order to obtain from an F-centred a P-unit cell in following axis - transformation can be used:
a' = ½ b + ½ c
c' = ½ a +
The resulting P-unit cell is not a conventional orthorhombic cell, thus the F-lattice is different from a P- lattice.
The user can verify that an F-centred cell cannot be reduced to a conventional C-cell by using the following axis transformation:
a' = a
c' = c
Tetragonal lattices
In the conventional tetragonal cell the fourfold axis is chosen along c with = = = 90°, a = b and unrestricted c value
Because of the 4-fold symmetry axis, a tetragonal A-centred cell is also a B-cell, and therefore an F-centred cell. This last cell can be reduced to a conventional tetragonal I-cell by the following axis transformation:
a' = ½ a + ½ b
c' = c
A C cell is always amenable to a conventional tetragonal P-cell by the following axis - transformation:
a' = ½ a + ½ b
c' = c
Thus only two different tetragonal lattices, P and I, are found.
Cubic lattices
In the conventional cubic cell, the four threefold axes are chosen to be parallel to the principal diagonals of a cube, while the unit vectors a, b, c are parallel to the cube edges.
There are only P, I, and F cubic lattices.
Suppose you have an A-lattice. Because of the 3-fold symmetry axes the A-lattice should also be a B-lattice and therefore an F-lattice. You can go from such a lattice to a new P-lattice by choosing
a' = ½ c + ½ b
c'= ½ a + ½ b
This new primitive cell does not correspond to a conventional cubic cell, and therefore corresponds to a new type of lattice, the F-centred cubic lattice.
Suppose you have an I-lattice. You can go from an I to a P-lattice by choosing
a' = -½ a + ½ b + ½ c
c'= ½ a + ½ b - ½ c
This new primitive cell does not correspond to a conventional cubic cell, and therefore corresponds to a new type of lattice, the I-centred lattice.
Hexagonal lattices
In the conventional hexagonal cell the sixfold axis is chosen parallel to c, with a = b, unrestricted c, = = 90°, and = 120°. Only P lattices can exist. Suppose we have a A- unit cell. Apply the 6-fold symmetry: then the A-lattice must be B (and therefore F) and I-lattice simultaneously. The result: an hexagonal A- lattice may be reduced to an hexagonal P-lattice with axes
a' = ½ a b' = ½ b c'=½ c
In an analogous way one can start from a B-lattice or a C-lattice; any of them can be reduced to a P lattice.
Trigonal lattices
As in the hexagonal cell, so in the conventional trigonal cell the threefold axis is chosen parallel to c, with a = b, = = 90°, and = 120°. As in the hexagonal case, A-, B-, C-, F- centred cells are easily amenable to conventional P trigonal cell. In all these cases lattice planes normal to c completely overlap when projected along c.
Rhombohedral lattices also exist. They occur when, between two adjacent planes considered for the P case, two supplementary planes exist shifted by (2/3,1/3,1/3) and by (1/3,2/3,2/3) respectively. In this case a rhombohedral primitive cell can be chosen.