Crystal to beam

Monday, July 4

chair: Dominik Obertuer  

 14:00 Alke Meents 
DESY, Hamburg
A low background sample holder for fixed target serial crystallography experiments htm pdf
14:30 Uwe Weierstall
Arizona State University, AR, USA
Microcrystal sample delivery for serial crystallography in a high viscosity medium htm pdf
15:00 Christian Betzel 
University of Hamburg, Germany
Distinguishing Protein Nanocrystals from Amorphous Precipitate by Depolarized Dynamic Light Scattering htm pdf
15:30 Allen Orville
Diamond Light Source, Didcot, UK
Acoustic droplet ejection: from crystallization through time-resolved SFX htm pdf
16:00 Vernon Smith
The changing role of in-house crystallography htm pdf