Abstract Preparation and SubmissionInstructions for abstract preparation Abstracts of all contributions will be published in a special issue of the journal Materials Structure in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Technology published by the Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association and will be available at the conference in a printed form. Abstracts should be not shorter than about half of page and much longer than about one page A4. For preparation of abstracts, please use templates:
Please note that abstracts
appear in the list after manual checking, i.e. with a delay. Please note that an
accepted abstract for oral or poster presentation will be obligatory
for young scientists applying for the IUCr travel/accomodation
bursary. Step1 Creating profile at the registration system. Step2 Submitting an abstract through the registration system. This is two step procedure:
If the step 2 does not follow 1, the next time everything must be repeated. Deadline for abstracts was on May 12 Abstract received after the deadline We are still accepting abstracts for posters. They will be included in the conference journal in a standard way, if received till June 7, latest. The abstracts received later will be included in section late abstracts without entry in the index. The hard deadline is June 16. After this date the abstracts can be published only on-line (no additional printing) and only at the conference website, not in electronic version of the journal.