
Proceedings of the conference will be published in Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie

Deadline - September 30

Instructions for Authors  

  • Download the template '' to your computer and save it either in your working directory (Option 1) or in the folder where the templates for Word are stored (Option 2).
  • Option 1: Start Word and go to the menu item 'File' / 'New...' / 'New from template'. You can select the template ' ' from a list of templates. Then save the file under the desired name and proceed according to the instructions in the template.
  • Option 2: Make sure that Word is closed. Double-click the template ''. Word will start. Save the file under the desired name and proceed according to the instructions in the template.
  • Should you have any questions or should you experience problems, please do not hesitate to contact the EPDIC secretary or Dr Udo Welzel (
  • The manuscripts should be submitted at the conference. Please hand in your paper electronically (floppy disk or CD-ROM) and as a hardcopy (which must correspond to the electronic version exactly) upon registration.
  • All papers will undergo a referee procedure. Accepted papers will be published in Zeitschrift für Kristallographie (Supplement) ( ).

Maximal length 6 pages

 Thank you for your cooperation!

 Radek Kuzel, Eric J. Mittemeijer, U. Welzel (Editors)


Please, upload your file here or on ftp server

Browse it on your disc. It cannot be open by another application at time of uploading.
Use the following name of the file: your_family-your_first name.extension.
Only the following extensions are allowed: doc, zip.

Please, be patient, if the response is slow and don't click many times to Upload. 
When the file is successfully uploaded a new window with a message is opened.
In case of problems, you can send the paper to the conference E-mail or on ftp server
(please, use the username and password you obtained by E-mail)

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