Personal (preliminary) 

This form must be submitted before all other forms (abstract, accommodation, payment).
Abstract must be sent before April 30, if you like to have oral presentation.
After the date only exceptional contributions can be accepted for oral presentation.

Obligatory fields are in bold.



Family Name  First Name  Degree
Institution (University)
Department (Faculty)
Address (street, square, ...)
City Postal Code
State (Province)

I would like to take part at the Software workshop organized on Thursday, September 2 (included in the EPDIC conference fee)

I would like to take part at the Size-Strain IV, satellite workshop (extra fee) from Tuesday, August 31 to Thursday, September 2

I would like to take part at the Size-Strain IV ONLY

For further registration steps you need Login and Password.

Please, give them here.

Login:    Password: Confirm password:


Note, that sometimes the response time can be longer. In case of difficulties, please, send E-mail to EPDIC secretary.