Multiple Anomalous Diffraction

Proposed for oral contributions

  1. SOLVE - Automated MIR and MAD Structure Determination
    T.C. Terwilliger, J. Berendzen

  2. A General Phasing Algorithm for Multiple MAD and MIR Data
    J. Bella, M.G. Rossmann

  3. Location of Heavy Atoms from MAD Data by Integrated Direct and Patterson Methods
    G.M. Sheldrick

  4. Direct Phasing of One-Wavelength Anomalous Scattering Data
    Q. Hao, I. Harvey, E.M.H. Duke, W.J. Ingledew, S.S. Hasnain

  5. MAD Facilities and Experiences at the ESRF
    S. MacSweeney


Proposed for Posters

  1. Crystal Structure of cytochrome c552, from Pseudomonas nautica
    K. Brown, D. Nurizzo, S. Besson, J. Moura, M. Tegoni, C. Cambillau

  2. Indication of model-bias at atomic resolution:experimental phasing of an ef-hand protein at 1.05 A
    D.E. Brodesren, E. de La Fortelle, G. Bricogne, J. Nyborg, M. Kjeldgaard

  3. The Three Dimensional Structure of a Nine-haem Cytochrome c from D. Desulfuricans ATCC 27774 from Fe-MAD Data Reveals a Unique Haem Arragement
    M.A. Carondo, P.M. Matias, R. Coelho, A.V. Coelho, A.W. Thompson