S. Hübner, M. Trömel

Institut für Anorganische Chemie, Marie Curie-Str. 11, 60439 Frankfurt, Germany

Keywords: atomic volume, dense structures, bond order, atomic valence, high pressure modifications

1 Dense Structures

Modifications of elements with close-packed structures (fcc or hcp) transform into each other almost without change of volume  [1] and the same holds good for transformations fcc  bcc and hcp  bcc. Structures which obey this rule are called 'dense'. VD stands for their atomic volume. Density is defined as the number of particles per volume unit.

Volume rule: Phase transitions between dense structures occur, in first approximation,without a change of atomic volume

Dense structures are fcc, hcp (with ), bcc and the tetragonal body-centered structure with  (Pa, -Mn, In, all of them true metals) [2].

2 Non-Dense Structures

From the definition of VD it follows that , where VX is the atomic volume in any structure X. So we can define the volume factor fX:


Here a structure X is considered 'non-dense' if fX>1.01. To calculate the volume factor fX for any structure X we have to assume in addition to the validity of the volume rule:
- The atomic valence W of an element is the same in the dense and in the non-dense modifications
- Bond order s depends on the distance r of each neighbouring atom according to


R1 and b are bond order parameters. The sum of the bond orders around each atom equals its atomic valence W:


fX then can be calculated by (see [1], [3]):



mi = multiplicity of the i-th atom
j(i) = geometrical coordination number [2]
rj(i) = distances from i to the j-th atom
C =

Using equation (1) the atomic volume of the dense modification can be determined from any structure X of an element. The example of phoshorus shows a rather good agreement between the atomic volume of the hypothetical dense modification of phosphorus calculated from different observed structures with largely differing atomic volumes:

Pblack 18.97 13.84 1.371 [4]
PHittorf 21.79 13.65 1.596 [5]
P4 26.47 13.15 2.013 [6]

This result and some more [3] indicate the validity of equation (4) and the foregoing assumptions.


3 Atomic Volumes of High Pressure Modifications

The atomic volume of a dense modification VD is expected to decrease smoothly with pressure. Fig. (1) shows the calculated VD of phosphorus. VD for normal pressure is extrapolated from this curve as 13.70(6)  in very good agreement with the average VD from Pblack and PHittorf. Figure 1: Observed atomic volumes VX and calculated VD of phosphorus depending on pressure


[1] Trömel, M., Hübner, S.: Z. Kristallogr. Suppl. 15 (1998) 92.
[2] Alig, H., Trömel, M.: Z. Kristallogr. 201 (1992) 213-222.
[3] Trömel, M., Hübner, S.: Z. Kristallogr. Suppl. 15 (1998) 85.
[4] Cartz, L., Srinivasa S. R., Riedner R. J., Jorgensen J. D., Worlton T. G.: J. Chem. Phys. 71 (1979) 1718-1721.
[5] Thurn H., Krebs, H.: Acta Cryst. B25 (1969) 125-135.
[6] Simon A., Borrmann H., Craubner H.: Phosphorus and Sulfur and the Related Elements 30 (1987) 507-510.
[7] Jamieson J. C.: Science 139 (1963) 1291-1292.
[8] Kikegawa T., Iwasaki H.: Acta Cryst. B39 (1983) 158-164.