Andreas Hilgerothl, Ute Baumeister2, Günter Hempel3

1lnstitute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Martin Luther University, Wolfgang-Langenbeck- Str.4, 06120 Halle, Germany,
2lnstitute of Physical Chemistry, Martin Luther University, Mühlpforte 1, 06108 Halle, Germany
3lnstitute of Physics, Martin Luther University, Friedemann-Bach-Platz 6, 06108 Halle, Germany

Crystalline 2,6-unsubstituted 4-aryl-1,4-dihydropyridines I have recently been reported to be highly light sensitive compounds forming either cage dimers III or anti-dimers, respectively [1]. The dimerization proved to be topochemically controlled by the shortest distance of potentially reacting double bonds [2,3]. With total yields of more than 90% for the formation of N substituted cage dimers they are of interest as attractive starting compounds for the synthesis of novel HIV-1 protease inhibitors [4].

A serie of derivates I with various substituents has been investigated by X-ray crystal structure analyses. The reacting molecules within these crystal packings are centrosymmetrically arranged. The cage formation may proceed via syn-dimers II, which could be isolated (yields: 40-70%), as was monitored by tlc. These syn-dimers cannot have a centrosymmetric molecular structure for constitutional reasons. One derivate IIa is characterized by X-ray crystal structure analysis. Furthermore, solid-state 13C-NMR investigations are reported which prove that the formation of III actually takes place via syn-dimers II by a primary [2+2]cycloaddition of a first pair of double bonds. This is followed by another [2+2]cycloaddition of the remaining pair of double bonds yielding centrosymmetric cage compounds III. Thus, centrosymmetry is broken in the first reaction and reestablished in the second one.

  1. A. Hilgeroth and F. W. Heinemann, J. Heterocyclic Chem. 35 ( 1998) 1.
  2. A. Hilgeroth, U. Baumeister and F. W. Heinemann: Coll. Abstr. l0th International Symposium on Organic Crystal Chemistry,17-21 August,1997, Poznan-Rydzyna, Poland, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan,1997, 58.
  3. A. Hilgeroth, U. Baumeister and F. W. Heinemann, J. Mol. Struct., accepted.
  4. R. Zöllner and A. Hilgeroth, Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem., in press.