V.A. Ivdenko1,2, V.D. Blank1,2, N.R. Serebryanaya1,2

1Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk, Moscow Region, 142092, Russia
2Research Center for Superhard Materials, 7a Centralnaya St., Troitsk, Moscow Region, 142092, Russia

Keywords: CuI crystal structure, phase transitions, high pressure, shear deformation.

Earlier [1] two phases have been found in copper(I) iodide at hydrostatic pressures up to 12 GPa. Recently [2, 3] new phase transition has been observed at 18 GPa in CuI. It has been found that the crystal structure of this pressure-indused phase is orthorhombic of ZnTe-III-type (sp. gr. Cmcm) [2].

Use of the controlled shear deformation gives the possibility to influence on kinetics and peculiarities of pressure-induced phase transitions. The X-ray diamond anvil cell (DAC) with the rotating anvil for shear deformation investigations was designed by the authors. The MoKa-radiation and the photoregistration method were used.

Experiments on CuI were carried out in the pressure range 11 - 40 GPa under nonhydrostatic loading without pressure-transmitting medium. The well-known anti-PbO-structure of the pressure-induced phase CuI-V was found to remain under pressures up to 16 GPa. The new pressure-induced phase (CuI-VIII) of the ZnTe-III-type arises with pressure increasing. The unit-cell parameters of this phase are: a = 5.32(4) Å, b = 6.01(4) Å, c = 4.51(2) Å, Z = 4 at 25 GPa, the indexing program DICVOL was used. Space group is Cmcm, the both copper and iodide atoms are in 4c at (0, y, 0.25), yI = 0.188 and yCu = 0.601. The simulation of the diffraction pattern intensities was carried out by DBWS-program.

Anisotropy of CuI-VIII-compressibility has been oserved at 38 - 40 GPa under nonhydrostatic loading and shear defomation conditions. It was revealed that the (200) and (002) reflections are getting closer and the intensity of the (200)-reflection becomes the greatest (figure 1a). Diffraction patterns under such conditions can be indexed in tetragonal (a = 5.07(1) Å, c = 4.85(1) Å, Z = 4) or orthorhombic (a = 5.06(1) Å, b = 5.07(1) Å, c = 4.85(1) Å, Z = 4) structure. The simulation of the diffraction pattern intensities (figure 1b) gives acceptable results for orthorhombic structure (sp. gr. Cmcm) with the atom positions in 4c: I at (0, yI, 0.25), (yI = 0.19), Cu at (0, yCu, 0.25), (yCu = 0.67). Hence, the structure is an orthorhombic because this positions are absent in tetragonal space groups.

This structure is close to that of CdTe-IV. It is also very close to cubic one (a/c = 1.045, b/c = 1.046, a/b = 0.999) and has approximately 6-fold coordination of Cu-atoms. Thus, under nonhydrostatic loading and shear deformation conditions the orthorhombic distortion of CuI-VIII-structure is getting smaller.

1. V. Meisalo, M. Kalliomaki: High Temperatures - High Pressures, 5 (1973), 663-673.
2. M. Hofmann, S. Hull, D.A. Keen: Physical Review B, 51 (1995-I), 12022 - 12025.
3. S.S. Batsanov, N.R. Serebryanaya, V.D. Blank, V.A. Ivdenko: Crystallography Reports, 40 (1995), 598 - 603.

Figure 1a. Dash-pattern of CuI under nonhydrostatic pressure of 38 GPa and shear deformation conditions. - beta-lines, G - gasket.

Figure 1b. Powder simulation of the fig.1a-pattern.