Energetics of the Cell

Chair: Neil W. Isaacs (UK), Co-chair: J.P. Abrahams (the Netherlands)

P. Nollert, E.M. Landau, G. Rummel, J.P. Rosenbusch, E. Pebay-Peyroula Implications of the Crystal Structure of Bacteriorhodopsin A
K.E. McAuley-Hecht, P.K. Fyfe, J.P. Ridge, M.R. Jones, R.J. Cogdell, N.W. Isaacs Investigating Structure-Function Relationships in the Photosynthetic Reaction Centre A
S. Buchanan, B. Smith, L. Venkatramani, D. Xia, M. Palnitkar, R. Chakraborty, D. van der Helm, J. Deisenhofer Crystal Structure of the Ferric Enterobactin Receptor from E. Coli A
K. Fritz-Wolf, I. Schlichting, T. Schnyder, M. Forstner, M. Eder, T. Wallimann, W. Kabsch Structure and Function of Creatine Kinase A
J.P. Abrahams Conformational changes of the beta-submit of F1 ATPase A
So Iwata Structure of the Mitochondrial Cytochrome c Reductase: A Bifunctional Membrane Protein Complex. A


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