Spin, Charge and Momentum Density

Chair: Claude Lecomte (France), Co-chair: Jozef Kozisek (Slovakia)

Tibor Koritsanszky Charge Densities Based on Synchrotron/CCD Experiments A
Christian Jelsch Deformation Electron Density and Atomic Charges from smal Molecules to Protein Structures A
Riccardo Destro Interaction Energies in Glycine Crystals from a Charge Density Study at 23K A
Konstantine A. Lyssenko Topological Analysis of the Charge Density in Crystals: What can we Learn about the Nature of Chemical Bonds A
Christopher S. Frampton Experimental Observation of the Ligand-Opposed Core Charge Concentration in VOCL3, Accounting for its Observed Geometry with Regard to the VSEPR Model A
Christian Vettier Observation of Orbital Moment in NiO A
Halina Ptasiewicz-Bak Effect of Crystal Field on the Electron Density of the Metal Ion in Hydrates of 3d Metal Salts; X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction Results A


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