Connection Rovinj - Prague

Flights from Pula

Saturday, August 29

Currently the cheapest and most convenient connection is available with Air Serbia.
Pula 14:55 -  Prague 20:20, price (March) 140 EUR, flight via Beograd.

Zagreb 10:05 -  Prague 20:20, price (April) 165 EUR, flight via Beograd.

Flight with Croatia Airlines and Lufthansa via Munich, Pula 10:10 - Prague 15:55, price 360 EUR.

Sunday, August 30

Currently the cheapest and most convenient connection is available with Air Serbia.
Zagreb 10:05 -  Prague 20:20, price (April) 165 EUR, flight via Beograd.

Croatia Airlines+SAS, 155 EUR
Zagreb 8.05 - Prague 13.05

Vueling or Iberia via Rome, Pula 8:05 - Prague 14:55, price 140 EUR.
Flight with Croatia Airlines and Lufthansa via Munich, Pula 10:10 - Prague 15:55, price 360 EUR

or use other airports, see ECM site for more and how to get from Rovinj to Pula (36 km).

see e.g.


Bus transportation can be arranged, if there is an interest. Please, write to the conference secretary, if you would like us to organize a bus trip. It is about 900 km and it would take more than 10 hours with some breaks.